How to build a harmonious, strong relationship!

How to look deeper into yourself?

How to better understand your partner?

How to build a harmonious, strong relationship with a loved one?

How to become happy, joyful, fulfilled?


A series of trainings will help you answer these questions

“How to stop rushing and start loving. Himself. Partner. World”

(every Friday and Saturday from October 5 to December 21)


Conducting the UMNITS coach:

Andriy Klimishyn and Larisa Ruska


The number of participants is limited!


Pre-registration is required!


During the program you will:

1. Understand what a harmonious relationship is for you.

2. Increase your emotional intelligence: learn to be aware, not afraid to accept your feelings and emotions and express them clearly to others.

3. You will learn the variety of love languages and learn to express your love more fully, more vividly, more precisely with the help of words, touch, gifts, service and time.

4. You will understand how to distinguish sympathy, infatuation, passion from Love.

5. You learn where to find love.

6. You will find a balance between the male and female beginnings in yourself and in your partner.

7. Figure out the nature of your sexuality.

8. Get a big charge of warmth and support!


You always have a choice: to move towards harmony in your life with your loved one or to stay alone with your fears.


Decide! Use the opportunities!

Register now!


Dates: October 5 – December 21

Meetings: every Friday and Saturday, from 18.00 to 22.00 (total 10 classes + ball)

Place: str. Rymarska, 19



Andrii Klymyshyn – UMNITS trainer, organizational and family consultant, Gestalt therapist
Larisa Ruska – UMNITS trainer, host of the “Art of Relationships” course



450 hryvnias per class or 3,500 hryvnias for all 10 classes (40 hours) (only for the selected! Hurry up to find out the details!)


Training plan

1. How we communicate (communication is the basis for building harmonious relationships)
2. How and what we feel (development of emotional intelligence)
3. How we love and what we fear
4. Love languages – introduction. The language of love “Gifts”
5. “Words of approval”
6. “Quality time”
7. “Acts of Service”
8. “Physical touches”
9. Man and woman. Male and female
10. Sexual literacy and creativity

Bonus 1: Individual harmony formula
Bonus 2: participation in the “Awakening of the Senses” ball

– After each training, a break for tea by the fireplace.

– After the break, a group of meetings (a special form of work for the development of emotional intelligence).


Sign up!