Magic Ball “Awakening the Senses”
Briefly and concretely:
A magical (therefore, not only admiration for wonderful music and high aesthetics of dance, but also easy learning to dance, and in the breaks – developing games, contests, tasks and, of course, gifts and prizes!) Ball “Awakening of Feelings”.
Architect’s house (Metro “Beketova”, 9 Darvina St.)
October 26, 17:00 – 22:00
Magic Ball “Awakening the Senses”
What is the uniqueness?
Any of our Magic Ball is something unique (more details). This ball is distinguished by the fact that not only during dances, but also during breaks, thanks to specially thought-out games, tasks and competitions, you will be able to immerse yourself in the world of feelings, learn to express them openly and ecologically, increase your level of emotional intelligence and take another step on the way to success and happiness!
In addition to dances, we have:
- intraball mail works, thanks to which you can express what cannot be expressed;
- small competitions are held and prizes are won;
- each participant will receive a sensually charged special gift from UMNITS;
- there will be a competition of easy autumn treats (imagine and bring!) and there will be a winner and a special prize for him;
- there will be interesting games and tasks, and their blitz discussion;
- the final romantic part and, already traditional, the farewell Corridor of Love are guaranteed to take place!
Come to the “Awakening of Feelings” Magical Ball – dance, play, communicate, improve yourself!
Terms of participation:
– unconditional acceptance of the rules of behavior at the ball and ball uniforms;
– presence in the list of invitees or availability of an invitation.
Mandatory dress code:
Women – dresses (ballroom, long evening, cocktail), comfortable shoes (preferably with a small stiletto or without it).
Cavaliers – strict suits (preferably dark tones), tailcoats.
Invited and invited:
You can get to our ball if you are on the list of invitees (or you have our “Invitation to the ball”) and you have confirmed your participation in the ball in advance!
Invitations to the ball are automatically received by all Season Ticket and Club Card holders.
Club members and organizers have the right to invite whomever they wish to the ball, but at the same time, they are responsible for familiarizing the invitee with the etiquette and rules of attendance and behavior at the ball.
It is possible (and it is strongly encouraged) to independently join the glorious movement of the revival of balls, as an alternative form of recreation that develops aesthetically. All you need is to make an application here or call in advance:
067 590 05 56, 050 401 79 47 (Andrii);
093 965 79 06 (Olga),
063 149 45 42 (Maria),
express desire and pay participation.
Information support:
(050) 636 26 49 and (063) 470 89 68 – Oleg
If you want to be informed of events, share impressions, express wishes and receive information about our balls, join the group or indicate the desire “I want to be informed” here